Three year old victory's and rewards!
It's been 10 days since we started potty training. It has been the easiest mothering task yet. When we tried a year ago we were not getting anywhere. I new he wasn't ready and wasn't going to push him. That was the best decision for both me and Big Mister. He his so proud of himself, he puts himself on the potty and takes himself back off. We put regular underwear on him at home and pull-ups when we go away and a diaper at night for a few more nights. I gave stickers for each time he went pee pee and he would but it on a little chart on the wall, and when he went poo poo successfully he got to choose a present from the present bag hanging on the bathroom door. Today he was able to enjoy and decorate his rewards. I got these little wooden toys in the craft department at wal-mart for .88 cents and he loves them. I also got a new crayon from liqui-mark that is awesome. It is six crayons in one and easy to hold.
Then I put a couple of 'golden books' in and suckers. He loved the rewards system and it has been a positive expierience for us all. Here are some pictures for you to see how much he liked his rewards.