I will keep your reading short tonight. I am ever so tired, I feel like I should never have gotten out of bed this morning and no amount of caffiene has been able to revive me from my half-vegitative state today. Big Mister is sick today so he has been laying around asking for tea and went to bed early. Little Mister was grappling at my apron strings every time I walked past him within a ten foot radius. he is teething on 4 molars and is very whiny. As for me I think I am coming down with something as well. I hope it is short lived, there is yardwork, scrapbooking, flowers to plant, garden to plant and the normal housework to do. Whew I am tired all over again. I have been reading many new blogs and am relating to so many of you out there. I think that should be considered as some form of therapy. My sisters always saw me as tough growing up, I didn't cry much and I would just "deal with it". What happened, I feel like everything good or bad brings on the tears. I feel like a big cry baby, Maybe I'll just blame that on having kids and hormobnes too. The reason I bring this up is, so many stories I read are touching and inspiring and I get all teary eyed and others I relate with so well and remember how it was to be in that place in my life and cry about it all over again. Oh well, clears the sinuses! haha.
Have a good night, God Bless
Have a good night, God Bless