
I was prompted within me to continue on or make a lengthy comment about a post I read over at Mommy etc, leading to another post over at 'Pleasant view schoolhouse'.

It was about being the homemaker and what being a homemaker really means. I was so convicted, not that I don't already do some of these homemaker things but the attitude "I" have behind it. I think this is what I have to do, or this is my job, I get all flabergasted and frustrated because my to do list is still not done. Oh, there is another day.

What I felt so strongly with in me is that my attitude is not of the homemaker that I long to be. Notice key word 'long' to be, not 'have' to be.

So, I challenged myself to be a homemaker and a homemaker with the attitude that I long have. I am sure this will be a stretch for me but we will never know if we can if we don't try; and I would rather fail knowing that at least I tried.

I started my first homemaker 'attitude' project friday.I was so excited

and I ended up having so much fun. May is my favorite month because it is my birth month and so many wonderful plants are in bloom and the fragrances are so sweet. the flower of the month is the Lily of the Valley, I have an amazing crop of this very delicate and fragrant flower. I picked a beautiful bouquet of Lily of the valley and then I baked my Husband and my big mister's favorite Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I displayed it beautifully on a table in the kitchen. Men and boys do also enjoy and appreciate pretty and dainty things.

to prove this, I walk in the door from gathering my lily of the valley to arrange my bouquet, and Big Mister comes over and say's "oohhh Mama I want to smell". As he takes a big sniff of the fragile little bell like flowers he say's "hhhmmmm". I look forward to trying new things each week and doing it with the intent to have a serving homemaker attitude that "I long" to have. These are some pictures that I took of my presentation and I did edit them also for a little variety. God Bless!

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