This is a new adventure for me...
I have been checking other blogs and I really enjoyed seeing others view points and giving my own. It was a validating feeling knowing I could give my opinion and maybe someone will like it but if not oh well.
I love being a mother and a wife; but I am not to proud to admit that I am not perfect in either of those area's. I do freak out under pressure and I do enjoy getting free time to myself away from children and my spouse. After I have my alone time I feel I love my husband and children ten times more than before. I have been trying different things to be able to with stand more pressure and enjoy all that life has to offer.
I hope you enjoy my blog; you will see that I do have a passion or obsession(what ever you want to call it) for photo's, both candid and professional. Although I don't have any credentials in photography, I'm passionate about preserving memories that are pleasing to the eye. I love scapbooking and I will post some of my layouts to share a piece of my story.