Overcoming Debt!
I talked in my last post a little about debt and we are united as a couple in eliminating it as a part of our family. We have a couple options as far as bringing in extra income to devote solely to debt reduction as we have succeded in budgeting my husbands income to pay all our monthly expenses. I have to admit that when DW bought the book 'Total money makeover' by Dave Ramsey and he started listening to some of his cd's, I was scared. I don't know why I should be scared when he is taking his freetime and researching options for our family to become financially free and be able to enjoy our future together with less stress and more options. I realize I have gotten myself into numerous bad habits and I have bonded with those unwise habits. so whenever we are breaking a bond of any sort it does hurt a little and feel uncomfortable.
On this past friday night DW was sitting at the dining room table and he had the notepad and pen and scribbling in silence. I knew it was about to get real scary real quick, but that the pain shouldn't last too long. Whew that was a mouthful. The kids were in bed and the time has come. Time to dig the CREDIT CARDS out of the wallet (not that I had to dig very far) and hand them over to the card slayer. All the cards!! I took pictures of this pivotal moment in our journey towards debt reduction because DW was so enjoying the job of "card slaying" and it wasn't as painful and scary as I thought it woud be. check out the pictures below and hope you too will think of your fianacial future and how it could different or let me know some steps you have already taken towards this endeavor.
Have a great day and God bless,