Succotash Tuesday.
Hi, I have missed my bloggy friends and my keyboard to and reading what you have all taken time to write. I have been so swamped with little things that I new I just needed to get caught up a little.
Today is Succotash Tuesday, which is so fitting because I many topics I want to cover and chat about.
I had planned on writing yesterday but my day started out with "Im going to take it easy", "I don"t feal well" and it took a twist around 9:00 in the morning. I figured if the kids are wired and raring to go then I might as well be raring to go to. I washed all the laundry, and did the dishes, and had Little Mister down for a much needed nap at 11:30am and went out side to Mow the yard. We have almost a full acre and so I think I could safely say I mowed with a push mower about 1/2 an acre. Much needed exercise and energy release. I did however not think it through very well when I decided not to wear shoes. This is why..
Forgive me for putting such a horendous picture up but now you know I really did do it.
I am enjoying my garden. I have picked lots of G.Beans and froze some already. I have been picking beets and summer squash as well and loving it. I should have sweet corn soon as it has all tasseled now. i am really ready to get some tomatoes and peppers but I planted those about a month later and so it is all in bud but still has some time. I planted my lettuce for the second time and it is finally almost ready. I know lettuce grows so easy for many people but why do I have issues?
We went to church as a family this past sunday for the first time since the first of may. I missed it so much and it was so nice to be back as a FAMILY. our pastor had a great message about the gift and the freedom we have in Christ.
I should hear this week on whether I get the job I am wanting. It will be full time for the 2 weeks of training then after that it will be 24 hours a week. I am looking forward to going back to work, I feel like I am cheating but I need to be able to collect my thoughts again for more than 30 seconds at a time. I do realize that it won't be a catwalk, and it will seem hectic for a while, but it's like that already. I need to reduce a little stress and this is the best way for right now that I can do it.
I have 3 new particpants coming into the class this week and am excited to see where this will take us. I would love to see the whole classes' total weight loss to be 500lbs. I like to set the bar high, because if you don't you'll never know if you could have.
My sister has some more great recipes over on her blog and the thai peanut sauce is fabulous and easy. She has also run across some research on vitamin b-12 which is a daily supplement in our household. It is great for nerves and emotional balance and energy. I couldn't seem to see many results lately and wasn't sure if it was even helping. Well turns out there are several sources of vit b-12 and the source that 955 of the health foodstore's and pharmacy use is only 3% absorbable to the body. so I guess that explains why we wer'nt seeing the results we wanted. Click on the link above and she has found a great place to by it in liquid form.
Well I do still have much to get done and hope to see you all real soon, God Bless,