I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Tiffany!

First: Add a family picture, Here's ours!

(yes I realize the boys are not smiling, It seems to be the case lately at pic time)
Second: Answer the questions.
1. How many children do you have? 2 boys

2. What are their ages? Little Mister is 18 months, and Big Mister is almost 4 in 1 month

3. What time of day do you start your day? When the kids wake up about 7-7:30 am

4. What do you eat for breakfast? I eat a high protien shake from Herbalife and the my Husband has raisin bran and the boys will usually eat eggs, yogurt or oatmeal

5. Do they watch TV? Big Mister loves Thomas and friends, Little Mister doesn't stay in one spot long enough to say he watches, The husband and I don't much.

6. What are their favorite activities? We love doing outdoor things as a family. My husband is a horse man and I love love scrapbooking!!

7. Do you get a break during the day from them? Yes Little Mister usually takes a 3 hour nap and Big Mister just chills and watches a movie or something.

8. How do you end your day? It's never the same lately

9. What is your best parenting advice or tip?Build your day around your childrens schedule but try and encourage a little flexibility and life will go much smoother. This was a hard lesson for me!

Now, Pass it on to five people:

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