Joys, Thanks, and Fears
Hi Guys, I have missed writing and chatting wth you. I have however been reading many of your blogs even tho I haven't been posting. I am in such a slump that I don't feel inspired to write or share much about any one topic. I'm sure I could get a few one liners for you , but that's not very exciting. That may be it, I don't feel like I have anything very exciting to share, so I don't share at all. Now, don't get me wrong I have lots going on and much to anticipate in the coming months.
-A much needed addition to the house for expanding family.
-The baby that will be joining our lives in 6 very short months.
-Two new weight loss challenges starting verysoon.
-My fifth anniversary celebration.
So don't misunderstand me, I am very thankful for the life that god has chosen for me. I do however feel very inadequate for the responsibilities that lie ahead of me. It is a heaviness in my heart that is squealching the passion and the Joy that I should be feeling at this time in my life.
The fears consume me at times. Fears of delivery, fears of being imprisioned in my home with three children all demanding attention at the same time, and fearsof not being there for my husband like I desire to be.
I have been enjoying reading your posts, as I struggle to write my own. Keep it up and know that you all mean so much to me.
God Bless, Christina
-A much needed addition to the house for expanding family.
-The baby that will be joining our lives in 6 very short months.
-Two new weight loss challenges starting verysoon.
-My fifth anniversary celebration.
So don't misunderstand me, I am very thankful for the life that god has chosen for me. I do however feel very inadequate for the responsibilities that lie ahead of me. It is a heaviness in my heart that is squealching the passion and the Joy that I should be feeling at this time in my life.
The fears consume me at times. Fears of delivery, fears of being imprisioned in my home with three children all demanding attention at the same time, and fearsof not being there for my husband like I desire to be.
I have been enjoying reading your posts, as I struggle to write my own. Keep it up and know that you all mean so much to me.
God Bless, Christina